Saturday, October 9, 2010

I was Awesome Yesterday

A very Hetalia!Prussia/Gilbert-esqe title, I know XD
But it was true! D:

Yesterday, we had English. After finishing a film we were watching (Stage Beauty) to open our new topic, Shakespeare's 'Much Ado About Nothing', we were given scenarios to act out in groups of five. No scripts; all improvisation.

Our group weren't precisely the decisive group. It was just a few seconds before we actually had to show our scenario that we finally decided upon the characters: me as Conrad (speaking), friend I as Don Jon/John (?) (speaking), friend H as Don Pedro (non-speaking), friend J as Hero (non-speaking)(no, seriously; who would call their daughter 'Hero'? Only Alfred F. Jones would! D: ), and friend A as, well, uh, a bystander.

Scenario in a nutshell: DJ is jealous of his brother, DP, and wants to take revenge on him. DJ talks to C about this.

I can't remember much, but I think this is what happened on 'stage'.

DJ sits on a chair, looking depressed. C comes over, whistling.
C: Hey, buddy! What's wrong? You look down.
DJ: I'm depressed.
C: ...Well, I can see that. Why so?
DJ: It's my brother's fault. I hate him! Why is he always better than me?!
.... (forgot; I think there was something her but I forgot)
C: Hey look, it's Hero!
H walks in, looking pretty
DJ: ...Humph.
C: What, you don't find her hot?
DJ: ... Do I look interested in her to you?
C: No, I figured not.
Just then, DP walks in. He whistles to H.
DJ: Speak of the devil. Here he is, my despised brother.
DP & H exeunt
DJ: Grr! I hate him so much! Not only that; I feel depressed!
C: ...So what do you want do about it?
DJ: I don't know! That's why I'm talking to you, you idiot! Why do you keep rubbing it in my face?!
(My teacher said that my face at the moment was priceless; I was practically panicking/stunned)
C: ...Um..
DJ: *shakes C* Tell me! Tell me what I should do!
C: Take some pills!
DJ: Do you think I have not done that already?! Look at me!
C: I suppose not. T-then take revenge on him!
DJ: *stops shaking C* ...What?
C: Um, take revenge on him?
DJ: ...Say the first option again?
C: ...Take revenge on him?
DJ: No, the first one.
C: Take some pills?
DJ: ... The second one?
C: Take revenge on him?
DJ: ...I like that. How should I?
C: Well, you can put him in a pond of sharks, or crocodiles; or you can stab him with a kitchen knife - no, wait, a SPORK! That's better; o-or you can strangle him in his underwear...
DJ: *nods to options until last one* Wait, what?! I'm not doing that!
C: I know, I don't get that either. ... Or you can use Hero.
DJ: ...Oh yea.
C: Yea, use the b*tch - I MEAN use the woman! Use the woman! You can use her to make your hated brother mentally vulnerable, and then you can take him!
DJ: I like that. *goes to H, who happened to be walking by* Hey Hero, can I talk to you...?
C: ... Wait for me! *runs after him*

I have one thing to say about that. It was a hit. (P: That's not one thing. I: Shaddup). The whole class burst into laughter at our improvisation. And we had prepared nothing. Now, I don't know if that actually happens in 'Much Ado About Nothing', but our scene was funny anyway.

And I was very happy.

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