Sunday, October 17, 2010

100 Drabbles: 5. Seeking Solace

An entire week of non-drabble writing, and I spent almost all of my morning making up for them all. Not that it took long anyway.
All turned out less funny than expected. But oh well.
This is probably my first drabble using one of my actual story characters. They aren't named here, but I've created a pair of brothers, and I like them a lot actually. Maybe I should make a novel about them?
And I'm rambling again.
Onto the drabble.
5. Seeking Solace

He walked in and saw his brother drinking. “Brother, you’re drinking too much. Is there something wrong?”

His brother looked up. His eyes were glazed, his face dull red. “Yo *hic* my sweet bwoder!”

He sighed. “You’re drunk. Why are you drinking so much?”

As he sat down, his brother began to mumble, “…dumped me. I got fudging dumped, damn it!” He took a swig. “She was a selfish brat anyway.”

“…I see.”

“No, you don’t see! You don’t –!” And he broke down, leaning against his shoulder, weeping.

All he could do was patting him on the back soothingly.

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