Sunday, October 10, 2010

100 Drabbles: 53. Keeping a Secret

53. Keeping a Secret

He frowned. “No.”

“Aw, but you must have a secret of some sort!” she pleaded.

“You, keeping a secret? You’ll blabber it all out anyway.”

“But I can! Please?” She pouted, giving the puppy-in-the-rain look.

After a while, he seemed to give in. He motioned her closer and whispered in her ear; “…I’m a homosexual.”

Immediately she looked incredulous. “REALLY?!”

“No, I was joking, you douche.” And before she could scream, he continued, “I know I can’t entrust secrets with you anyway.”

Then she grinned evilly.


“I saw you sleeping with Teddy-bear yesterday…” She ran off, cackling.

…Oh f*ck. “Come back!!”

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