Wednesday, October 6, 2010

100 Drabbles: 77. Test

More of a poem, this one. Though it's not a really good poem.
77. Test

Enter the room; no caps
Edgy, nervous foot taps
Shifty eyes; sweaty hands
Ticking clock; scribbling hands
Frowns and furrows; hair-grabbing
Horrified stares; heart-throbbing
Bloody equations; stupid pi
Horrible memories; angry eyes
Scribble scribble; tap tap
Can’t remember; oh crap
Distraction occurs; mind drifting
Must focus; but mind blanking
Shift to the clock; time is ticking
Can’t think of anything; random answer picking
Second hand racing; it’s almost time
I think I just got something sublime!
“Time’s up”; “AW MAN”
Looks like you wrote with a frying pan
These are just a few things occurring when
Testing horror syndrome/phobia happens

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