Sunday, October 17, 2010

100 Drabbles: 16. Questioning

16. Questioning

“Alright, lady,” he tossed files onto the table. “We’ll go through this again, and I’d like some cooperation, hm?”

She glared back at him. Though battered, she was still defiant. “Fudge you.”

He smirked slightly. “Still have that foul mouth? Crazy woman. I’ll ask again. Where were you last night?”

“At home.”

“But the evidence doesn’t say so, lady. Says that you’ve been elsewhere, like, I dunno; your ex’s house?”

“Why would I be there?”

“…Where were you yesterday?!”

“I said home, jerk-arse!”

He grabbed her collar, but dropped her, disgusted. “You’ll confess soon enough,” and he slammed the door.

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