Wednesday, October 6, 2010

100 Drabbles: 7. Heaven

FFFF haven't done this in a while. Missed out not one, not two, but FIVE days of drabble-writing.
Perhaps this one should go under 'dream' but oh well.
7. Heaven

What is heaven? Is it a place where cherubim fly? Where angels sing, playing harps?

I had no idea, but as soon as I opened my eyes, I thought I would die again.

There was one person, a character from my story; usually chaste, prudish. Now, he was drinking, wearing stockings and acting promiscuous. He winked at me once, and I wondered if the world was ending.

Then a crude character was being a prude, and when both started to randomly make out, I didn’t see how this could be heaven at all.

And I woke up in cold sweat.

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