Sunday, October 3, 2010

100 Drabbles: 39. Dreams

39. Dreams

“AAHHHH!!!” she screamed, dripping in cold sweat.

“What is it, child?” her mother asked. “A nightmare?”

“I…” The child faltered. It was a dream, but a crazy random one. Certainly not a nightmare; too colourful for that. There were unicorns, bogeymen, rabbits, flying cutlery, everything; even fabric softener. But there was one such rabbit who was carrying an axe, chasing her, biting manically.

Unable to describe her dream, she just snuggled into her mother’s arms and mumbled, “A strange dream, mum.”

Her mother smiled. “It’s alright, child. It was just a dream.”

And behind, in a corner, a rabbit laughed.

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