Sunday, October 24, 2010

100 Drabbles: 21. Vacation

21. Vacation

“Thinking of going out this holiday,” he said proudly, packing his suitcase.

She nodded lazily on the couch, not looking. “Sure, sure. Where’re you going?”

“Abroad, perhaps.”

“Sure; but where’s your passport?”

Brief silence. Then; “…Um, I forgot where I left it. Plus I haven’t booked tickets yet.”

“No use then, is there?”

“No. I’ll go to the beach then. But…” he faltered. “…I think I lost my swimsuit.”

“No use then, either?”

“No; besides, I don’t think I can go anywhere; car’s in the repair shop.”

“…Then where are you going?”

He glared at her sourly. She merely smirked.

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