Monday, September 13, 2010

School, Procrastination, & (Military) Uniforms

One great thing about school this year is that in Social Studies, we're going to learn about *drumroll* PRUSSIA! The nation of awesomesauce.
Thing is, not yet; we need to get past France's Louis XIV, and then sometime later we'll get to Prussia.
Can't wait! :D
And after the Absolute Monarchs, we'll get to the revolution. THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. NAPOLEON BONAPARTE. WHOOPEEE!!! XD
Somehow, despite not knowing much about him yet, he's my role model. Despite his *ahem* physical stature, he was close to dominating the world or whatnot.
PARDON MY IGNORANCE. I am, after all, Admiral Ignorant, the (awesome) hero who lives under a rock and doesn't know even half of the current events.

And now, procrastination.
It wasn't a habit before. And now it's plaguing me.
Teachers are telling us to post stuff online or whatnot. Don't they know that the internet & computer are weapons of mass distraction?! (not destruction, mind you)
Stupid science write-up/exam is due on what, Thursday morning, before class starts.
And I need to make a report about a local government article around my area.
Politics and economics aren't my thing, people! D8 I thoroughly enjoy history and creative subjects, however! XD

I was looking for a list of hats, and I found this while googling.
Awesomesauce or what? XD Can't buy them though... no money.

I saw 'Shutter Island' yesterday. One memorable (though not major) scene was the overhead shot of the dying German soldier in the office (German, supposedly).
Apologies to avid Nazism haters and people who actively hate WWII... But it's just I find uniforms fascinating. It was a nicely taken scene, too.
Admiral Ignorant is currently interested in uniforms, but admits to have not yet studied about the Second War. Wants to, very much. But unless I take the course when I'm in my last grade (which, my teachers have warned, contains lots and lots of essay-writing), I wouldn't go near that subject.
I do not support Nazism/Fascism, or the cruelty of the war & concentration camps, mind you. I am simply interested in the uniform; design and all.
Which may be why I like Ludwig and Hetalia so much. Derp.
...It may even be that I have a uniform fetish *shot*
Not of the sexual kind, no, not really *SHOT*
And I'll shut up now.

Admiral Ignorant, over and out!

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