Sunday, September 26, 2010

100 Drabbles: 40. Rated

Ummm supposed to be some movie trailer sounds, methinks. Words in brackets () are the voices of the 'quotes', and words in asterisks * are other sounds. Methinks.

40. Rated

“(little girl) Mister, where am I?”

“(scary man) Oh, you wouldn’t need to know, dearie” *grins*

“(random scream) OH MY F*CKING GOODNESS IT’S A RABBIT!!”

“DIE YOU SUNNAVA-“*several gunshots*

“Mommy, I’d like some cookies.”

“Jenny, will you marry me?"

“Derek, I don’t think now’s the time – OH EM GEE-!!”

“(in a car) Yea, and I was like – WATCH OUT FOR THAT TREE!!”

“What?!” *crash, tinkle tinkle*

“….What the hell is going on here?”

The Sparkle! Coming Soon to Cinemas near you!

This movie hasn’t been given a rate due to its crazy nature and vague genre boundaries. Do not watch.

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