Sunday, September 26, 2010

About Prince Philip of 'Sleeping Beauty'...

Has anyone noticed this before?
I was just flicking through my old Disney movies (boy they were good; better than recent ones. I do like Lilo & Stitch though), when I discovered this.
In Sleeping Beauty, one of my old-time favourites, the beginning shows young Prince Philip going to see his 'future bride' Aurora. I found when he was little, he had blond hair.

<-- Philip looking at the baby 'bride-to-be' :D I found his expression funny when he appeared disbelieving/even disgusted.

Then we move on, skipping past Malificent and the Faeries' gifts part, and to when Aurora, or Briar Rose as she's called at the cottage, is sixteen. This time we see Philip again, all grown up, and close to marrying. And guess what his hair colour is: brown. Not a light shade of brown; dark brown.

<-- Philip in some lake/river after being thrown off his horse, Samson. And quoth the prince, "No carrots." XD

The fact that someone's hair colour could change between childhood & adulthood was so odd to me (unless he dyed his hair; which I don't think happened during the 14th cenury).
So I shared my discovery with my parents. My mother told me that one of my friends had a similar situation: As a child, he had pretty blond hair, which his mother liked. And as he started growing, his hair colour darkened. Nowadays he has red/reddish-brown hair, to his mother's disappointment.
Just found this rather odd.

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