Thursday, September 23, 2010

100 Drabbles: 13. Misfortune

Says 'misfortune', so I looked it up for synonyms.. understood what it was (somewhat). I guarantee it's funny (if not, derp).
And I just realised what the number of the prompt word was. :O
13. Misfortune

“Ooh, a four-leaf clover!” He joyously ran to the garden.

“Hey, watch out –!” but before she finished he had already stepped on a crack. Immediately, a groan was heard from the house.

“Oh no! Mum!” He turned and accidentally fell through under a ladder. The paint bucket atop the ladder shook and fell. He stumbled, blinded, and to her horror she saw him heading toward an inconveniently placed mirror on his way.

“No!” As she shoved him away from the mirror, he fell and broke his teeth. He raised his head, grinning. “I pickt de cover. ‘Salright now, right?”

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