Sunday, September 19, 2010

100 Drabbles: 14. Smile

14. Smile

He manically laughed as he finished his story. “Wasn’t that hilarious?”

She nodded, but didn’t laugh. In fact, she seemed as expressionless as ever.

He sighed. “No, really; what makes you laugh, or at least smile?”

She shrugged silently.

“I bet you’re pretty when you smile.”

She blushed, but said nothing.

He sighed, getting up and giving up. Then he slipped. BANG. “Ow!” he groaned, “What the fu-?!”

Abruptly he heard someone giggling. He turned just in time to see her mouth flash into a smile before composing herself.

And he grinned. “Told you you’d be pretty when you smiled.”

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