Thursday, September 23, 2010

100 Drabbles: 2. Love

Inspired by 'The Way I Do' by ... uh, I have no idea. It says it's a High School Musical OST (I'm not an entire fan of HSM, like my feelings for Twilight. It's just alright. The first movie of HSM I watched & liked, especially because of the songs. The second was okay. The third I didn't bother watching. But I really like the songs.) *gets blasted anyway by ranting anti-HSM-fans*
I'm getting off track. Song-inspired.
2. Love

He smiled at her sleeping figure; her head resting on his arm, her body curled up under her. He never realised she would look so sweet, angelic like this.

He could almost remember and hardly believe that he would like her when they first met. She seemed so unbelievable, so different, and yet… yet there was something about her that seemed, what, right?

And now here she was, lying with her head on his arm, like a sleeping baby.

I never thought… I never realised… that I would come to love you. Never thought I would, but… I love you.

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