Tuesday, September 21, 2010

100 Drabbles: 79. Starvation

I'm reading 'Misery' by Stephen King... Loving it so far. As a fellow writer I felt sorry for Paul Sheldon, and almost felt heartbroken when he was forced to burn the only copy of his newest book.
But this is just the beginning (only began it yesterday); should be more exciting events soon! :D

So, yea. This drabble was partially inspired by one of the scenes I've encountered so far. Don't say I copied it off, because I didn't, I swear, please.
79. Starvation

“Please… PLEASE!” he rattled the cuffs ferociously. His eyes were almost in tears, and his stomach, twisting, screamed.

She, his saviour, on the other hand, looked at him blankly, as if silently pondering whether to torture some more or let him off.

Either way, he broke down into rather pride-breaking sobs. He had none now; it’d shattered weeks ago. “P-please… I-I’m dying.”

“No you’re not,” but she appeared sympathetic.

After a few more painful seconds, the gut-wrenching scent arrived. He forced himself to be patient as the spoon came to him; and he swallowed rapidly, greedily, almost dirtily.

“Good boy.”

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