Sunday, September 19, 2010

100 Drabbles: 27. Foreign

I only used France as the country because that was the only foreign language I was comfortable in. I don't want to make any errors for other countries (Italy was an option, but no, I haven't taken that course yet)
Just a side note.
27. Foreign

Great, lost in some country with language I can’t speak. Can this get any worse? She growled, flipping through her tour guidebook, trying to find where she was.

In the end, she asked a passerby. “E-excuse me?”

He turned, smiling pleasantly. “Oui, mademoiselle ?”

Crap. He speaks French. “U-um, o-où est, uh, ici ?"

He prattled in French, which befuddled her. Then he seemed to realise she didn’t understand him. “You, euh, tourist?”

“Y-yes,” she answered, surprised.

He spoke slowly in English, explaining directions and so on. She thanked him as she ran off, “Merci !” He merely smiled and waved.

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