Sunday, September 19, 2010

Digital Camera Shutter Speed + Germano/Anglophile

... All the others in Photography class have more expensive & professional cameras than mine. Mine is a simple Samsung ES10.
This week's homework: take a photo of something in motion/ with high/low shutter speed.

One major problem; I cannot find my shutter speed controller. I only just started this activity after all; how should I know all about my camera? Plus I think I may have lost my user manual...
Oh well. All I have now is my timer (which I frankly hate) and zooming in with clicking.

I just found out my tripod can expand(?!)! :D

I know I'm spamming my blog. It's all pointless. But I want to rant anyway.

I just discovered a new word (or words) while searching for pedophobia (not pedophilia, mind you). It was 'Germanophile' and 'Anglophile' (and Francophile too, but SHHH D:<) Not to be confused with 'Germanophobe' and 'Anglophobe', which are its antonyms, respectively (and Francophobe, but SHHH D:<)
A Germanophile/Anglophile is a person who is fond of German/English culture/people/in general, and not someone who molests the nations I mean- never mind.
So, yes, I was beginning to wonder if I have become one. Ever since Hetalia came out, my brain has been raped hacked. All I think about is that. And I love England and Germany so much I think I may have become an Anglophile or a Germanophile. Well, not a severe one, but one falling to its plague. I am even considering going to the UK for university/college. Or at least somewhere nice (am I an Europhile now? XD)

...Just suddenly discovered something random on Wikipedia. While looking at the page 'Koreanophile/Korean Wave', I suddenly saw a link to 'British Invasion'. Obviously I was thinking wrong, but went there no less due to curiosity. Saw that it was about the Beatles et al., not a nation invading another country.
Brother: You were thinking wrong; WAY wrong.
Me: How do you know?
Brother: You were thinking 'weird' thoughts, I can tell.
Me: Really? *starts to think 'weird' thoughts, or: "Durr hurr"*
Brother: NO DO NOT ADULTERATE THE INTERNET WITH YOUR FOUL MIND!! *shoves a chunk of spaghetti down my throat*

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