Sunday, September 19, 2010

100 Drabbles: 3. Light

Started this a few days ago... going to make one drabble a day :D
Based on the 100 themes thing... Original drabble style! (100 words exact)
Characters included will most likely not be any character from a fandom... unless I say so otherwise. Names will not be included, so think what you like.
NOTE: These will not be done in the prompts' original order, so the numbers may be random.
And onto the drabble.
3. Light

He was humming a tune as he lay on the grass. She liked what she heard, and asked about it.

“What is the song called?” She asked curiously.

He looked at her, smiling. “Oh, this? Just some random tune; I just made it up as I went along; all spontaneous. But, I can turn it into a song for you if you like.”

He loved it when she smiled so joyously, and so he added words to his tune.

“And I need not cry any more, I need not fight. For you’re the reason I live; you are my light.”

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