Monday, September 20, 2010

100 Drabbles: 43. Dying

FFFF probably my worst drabble ever. But this scenario just hit me like BAM while watching the telly and begged me to be written. And this was the only word which seemed to somehow fit. (the other option was Sacrifice, but SHHH D:<)
And onto the drabble.
43. Dying

“…B-but, it can’t be possible. Both can’t…”

“It is, I’m afraid,” the doctor answered solemnly. “A queer situation; never seen one like it.”

A pair of twins lying on separate beds. Apparently a condition where one must die for the other to live.

“I-I’m sorry, ma’am, but there’s no other way. You can’t have both.”

Her heart broke at the thought of only one surviving, and couldn’t keep her beloveds alive.

“…I can’t. I can’t think.”

The doctor sighed. “I guess we should wait and see how it turns out.”

Later, one screen flat-lined. The other’s heartbeat slowly began rising.

1 comment:

minakonumnums said...

Hello! :D (I really hope we can become friends xDD sorry if this is odd)
BUT AWW. that was actually really sad D: