Sunday, January 23, 2011

100 Drabbles: 62. Magic

62. Magic

“Santa’s not real!” he stated.

“He is too!” she replied.

“Look, it’s physically impossible for Santa to deliver millions of presents, all over the world, in one night, with only eight—“

“Nine!” she corrected.

“…Only nine reindeer! It’s just not happening!”

She raised her hand. “I have an answer!”

He rolled his eyes. “What is it now?”

She widened her eyes. “Magic,” she breathed.

He stared. “No, I’m not taking that excuse again.”

“I’m serious! Magic’s awesome! Everything you call ‘impossible’ can be possible with magic.”

“No, no, not going to happen…”

And while they bickered, the reindeer snickered.

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