Saturday, May 22, 2010

Wowie gee, how long was it since I last posted??

It's been so long since I've last posted on my blog, huh? :D
Well, I tend to be on deviantART more now than I should... *haha*

...well, I won't be able to post stuff nowadays either, with several things:
- Science Test (next mon)
- Math Test (soon, in two weeks)
- English Extended Essay on Mackers (final draft due next mon)
- BMA movie (due mon 26th May, before noon - actual movie award event on 14th June)
- Practicing for French DELF (A1 and A2 - on 7th & 8th June, respectively)
and most of all...

...well, it isn't so stressful as the pressure isn't on yet, but still, the thought of it makes my brain ache. -_-;;;

Hm... I'm starting to like History nowadays...
and I can thank Hetalia:Axis Powers for that, I guess...
Seriously, Hetalia has affected my brain cells. Every time I think of a country, I think of the character as well.
And I'm starting to obsess over like the country England more than before too... XD >3<

And with a new obsession favourite anime/manga/thing, there comes new FanCharacters/OCs, and pairings. In my case, Yaoi parings! XD *shot*
...Well, technically I don't have a pairing I worship, but I have several favourites:
- GermanyXN.Italy (probably the most common/canon pairing)
- Italycest/N.ItalyXS.Italy (they're brothers, I know. Please don't tell me that I'm an insane person for liking incestuous pedophilia or whatnot, for A: it is not pedophilia; it's a few years' difference; and B: it's fiction.)
- Germanycest/PrussiaXGermany (see above)
- EnglandXFrance (despite having loads of fights against each other, they're my favourite countries... plus there's the common cliche story thingy about two people who seem to be complete opposites ending up being a couple... *shot*)
- EnglandXKorea/RussiaXSwitzerland (...well, for the first time in my life, I really liked crack pairings [especially since I made them *shot*], and despite it most probably never going to happen, I still think it's cute. In an insane way.)
- CanonXOC (as usual... or actual characters with fan-characters, if you want. Sadly Romania & England don't have that many historical interactions [not that I know of anyway; let me know if there are!], or others, so I guess they're in the 'crack' section... -_-;;;)
- Any other pairing involving my favourite characters, such as (top 5):
*England (but not with America, please. Sorry, I don't technically like that pairing)
*Germany Brothers (One's somewhat strict, yet innocent in some aspects; the other is sadistic and slightly braggy, yet loyal)
*Canada (he deserves love. Seriously. He's ignored nearly everywhere)
*France (...he does flirt with everyone though
*Italy Brothers (One's too innocent and naive. The other is grumpy, but still sweet)

...Well, there aren't that many fanfics of my favourite pairings, I think, sadly. For some reason, I don't like USUK/JoKir that much, and well... yea.

...Does anyone know any good fancomics/doujinshis of the above few pairings? I'd like to know or read them. :3
...or Kink Memes? *shot*
... Or may I make a request for anyone who wants to write?? :3

1 comment:

minakonumnums said...

Hello person! :D (hope you don't mind the random comment~:D)
EW, SO MUCH STUFF TO DO D8 Hoopefully the stuff that you already did went well~ (gah, the end of school is driving me crazy too xDD)
HETALIA~ I love that series to death xD
As for the hetalia pairings... I think there were some good doujinshis on youtube? xD I'm a butt, but i can try finding some for you!
(A-And no SuFin? xD)
Also~ Since this comment is already freakishly long xD Thank you for watching my comic blog :) It means a lot to me!
And your art is adorable xDDD