Tuesday, May 13, 2008

My reflection on the Ecology unit (with great news!)

1. Short Reflection on the Ecology unit

Before I let you read this, I got great news; I'm back in action! Mr. T had some more blog stuff till the end of the semester, so that's great!

- What did you enjoy about the unit?

I enjoyed blogging about some questions, 'cause it's really FUN! Some kids don't think so, but I love this kind of stuff!

- What do feel proud of achieving?

I achieved a lot of good blog comments (sometimes not, some little kids commented on my post with MY name! Freaks...). I also achieved a good score in the test & overall results.

- What activities helped you learn the most? What about the least?

The blog stuff, and the Ecology song. Man, I love the tune, but the lyrics are okay. Ecology is scientific study~...

- How do you plant to improve your learning in future?

I'll maybe take some notes (sometimes, that's not so easy...) and revise some stuff. Oh yeah, I'll ask if I'm not sure about stuff, or find out.

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