Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Welcome to my blog!

Hi, I'm Riolu, and I live in Alaska. I have a twin brother whose a cyborg called Lucario. He was in a space shuttle crash so he had to have 300 operations and got turned into a cyborg. I still love him though. Yes, I am gay, so what? Never mind... Have a nice day, visitors.
P.S., did I mention that I almost won the Nobel prize for curing cancer? Never mind... it was unsuccessful anyway. The patient I experimented on had his head exploded so I got kicked out of the place.
P.P.S., I also had a little sister called Phione, but she got strangled by my pet dragon Aipom. That was sweet... I hated her so much, even as soon as I was born (or maybe when she was). I love Aipom too because he killed my sister and burned the corpse so my mom couldn't find out. And you wouldn't want to see my mom angry, 'cause she's really SCARY!!!

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